
Linseed oil varnish

for maximum temperature and pressure resistance
Product number AIS B020

Linseed oil varnish manufactured by the company A.I. Schulze Chemotechnische Fabrik e.K. is tailored for its use in our main product BIRKOSIT Dichtungskitt®, a single-component sealing material. It is designed to be mixed with BIRKOSIT Dichtungskitt® to make it easier to apply. The linseed oil varnish is suitable for use in sealants that are subject to the highest quality requirements in terms of their temperature resistance.

Service life

When mixed with our product BIRKOSIT Dichtungskitt®, we guarantee a service life of 10 years for the linseed oil varnish.


The linseed oil varnish is to be mixed with the product BIRKOSIT Dichtungskitt® using a putty knife. The mixing ratio is 1 : 10. (10 parts Birkosit can be mixed with 1 part linseed oil varnish.) The colour is yellow-brown. The product is in a liquid state. The linseed oil varnish improves the brushability of the product BIRKOSIT Dichtungskitt®.


Packed in 1 litre plastic bottles. If stored correctly, the linseed oil varnish has a
storage life of 5 years in the bottle, its properties are stable and it is flexible in its use.
Close the bottle properly if only a part of the contents is going to be used.

Product data sheet as at 01.05.2012.